miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

favourite song at the moment

Hi, My favourite song at the moment is "Jet Lag", a song performance by Joss Stone, and from the album "Mind Body and Soul".
The firs time i heard this song was about 4 weeks ago, when i went on a travel to Europe. At that time my girlfriend took my ipod and she added a lot of new songs for the travel, and betwen those new songs she added this one.
I like this song as much for its melody and the lyrics, which speaks of a girl in love and how she feels whit that.
As rare as it seems i´v never heard this album or this song before, and i never had drawn much attention for this british girl, but she is really a brilliant artist, that manages to combines different types of music, mixing pop whit soul and rithim and blues.
I know that this song is a bit simple, but achieves, through his music, a perfect harmony.
That's all.

If certain words are misspelled is only because the spellchecker does not work for me at this pc.

4 comentarios:

Su dijo...

Joss Stones is a geat singer...even i don't know much her songs, the typicals ones that are being sounding at the radio are very good. SEE you

Reusita dijo...

I don't know that song, but I know the song you listened in a travel will allwaus remember you about it.
And that it's a great feeling...

Diego dijo...

I don't like much Joss Stones but I agree, she has a very good voice

nancy dijo...

Hi Simon
I agree, she had a nice voice... but I don´t know much another songs
ok, see you